
グーグルのラリー・ペイジCEOやエリック・シュミット会長、映画監督のジェームズ・キャメロンなど、著名な投資者陣でも話題となった小惑星資源の採掘を目指す宇宙ベンチャー「Planetary Resources(プラネタリー・リソーシズ)」から、メーリングリスト宛に「Mining Asteroids!」と題するメールが送られてきた。


  • アメリカの7000万人以上がテレビで観た。
  • (有力メディアの)「Huffington Post」や「Drudge Report」「Twitter」「CNN.com」「Yahoo」「Washington Post」などのトップページのヘッドラインに掲載されたことで月間50億のユニークビジターがサイトに訪れた。
  • 「Wall Street Journal」「New York Times」「USA Today」を含む数千の新聞等の紙媒体で記事になった。
  • 「FoxBusiness News」「Good Morning America」「Discovery」「Bloomberg」「the Dailey Show」を含む数百のテレビニュースで採り上げられた。
  • 求人に対して2,000人以上の応募があった。
  • 数万人がメールリストに参加した。
  • 2,500以上の投資希望があった


  1. 宇宙資源へのアクセスは太陽系に生きる人類の公共性にとって重要な事であった
  2. 宇宙資源へのアクセスは地球上に置ける人類の継続的な発展に撮って重要であった
  3. 一世代で多大な経済的リターンを得られる機会があることが明らかになった


Planetary Resources


Hey Masahiko,

If you’re like us, you’ve always had a
life-long dream to open the space frontier.

We’re not just talking about taking a few people into orbit,
but opening the resources of space, to make humanity
a multiplanetary species during our lifetime.

Over the last decade, as we realized that
this was unlikely to happen through the
traditional government routes, many of our
childhood dreams were all but crushed…

Until Now.

With the world-wide announcement
of Planetary Resources a few weeks ago,
the phone has been ringing off the hook with
support from folks just like you (and me).

So, we wanted to kick things off with a big
THANK YOU for all of your support.

Our website has been overwhelmed
with space-enthusiasts and frankly we’ve
been blown-away with how excited you
are about what we’re doing.

Your outpouring of enthusiasm around
the launch of Planetary Resources was
completely beyond our wildest dreams.

Here’s a quick summary of the highlights:

· Over 70 Million US television viewers

· 5 Billion Unique Monthly visitors with front
page headlines on Huffington Post, Drudge
Report, Twitter, CNN.com, Yahoo, Washington Post…

· Thousands of print articles including
Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today

· Hundreds of TV News broadcasts, including
FoxBusiness News, Good Morning America,
Discovery, Bloomberg, and the Dailey Show

· 2,000+ job applications on our website

· Tens of thousands have joined our email list

· 2,500+ investment requests

Clearly the vision, dreams, ambition and
plans have ignited a ton of enthusiasm.

The technology now exists to access resources
from Near Earth Asteroids and it is our corporate
mission to make this happen.

We are pursuing this for three key reasons:

1. Access to space resources is critical to
human settlement of the solar system

2. Access to space resources are critical to
humanity’s continued growth and prosperity on Earth

3. To realize the once-in-a-generation opportunity for
huge financial returns as well.
Once such returns are possible, opening the space
frontier for humanity will rapidly follow as it did with
the New World and the American West.

Over the months ahead we will be keeping you up to
date on our progress and creating opportunities for you
to be involved.

Thank you again for your enthusiasm and interest.

Stay tuned.

You’re going to hear from us again

Keep your eyes out for the subject line: The Final Frontier

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before,

Peter H. Diamandis Eric C. Anderson
Co-Chairman/Co-Founder Co-Chairman/Co-Founder

